Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 84: -8%

Longed GBP/USD at GMT7:14 at 1.5369 but ended up with 49 pips loss. It was a bad decision on the trade setup. The signals were mixed at best, but I still go in with a long trade. My bad.

Week 84 ended up with -8%. Ouch..it hurts. Overall pips lost is 68. I need discipline on my trading setup, timing my entry and managing my risk reward. For the past few weeks, my approach was more of chasing back my losses up to the point where I disregarded some aspect of my money management. Need to consistently remind myself to be confident and composed whenever entering a trade. To remain calm. Consistent winning and I will make it to the positive growth soon.

Target break even by end of May 2010.

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