Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 85: Gained 16.3%

Had few more trades after the last post, scalped few pips here and there. Today longed 2 trades, EUR/USD and GBP/USD, but one trade cancelled another. Ended with break even. Had doubt on GBP/USD but persisted with the trade. Should have trusted my analysis instead of my gut feeling. Other Pound crosses were showing significant weaknesses that supported my analysis. Good lesson though.

Now on my weekly summary, almost back to half way point of my initial capital.
Total Trades: 11
Winning Trades: 8
Losing Trades: 3
Total Pips: 160
This is my second biggest weekly gain (16.3%) in my entire trading career so far. Hopefully next week can break my record high of 19.6%.

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