Thursday, January 29, 2009

Restless in waiting

Its 1 more day of trading to go....and i still couldn't get any right signal to trade. The market has been choppy with no clear strong trend. And i am getting restless, i had forced an entry but the position has made me more frustrated as it didn't move to my position. After battling of more than 2 hours i finally close it with 2 pips gain. It is more frustrating when the forced entry position hovering around the entry price with no clear direction. Learn valuable lesson here. Forced entry brings no happyness.

Time is running out of the week, and with my growth still halted. And with the 1,000 pips record being broken by other, i guess i have nothing much to gain for this week. One consolation is that my GBPNZD is still open and i aimed to break the 1,018 pips set by other. At least i will hold the record of highest pips gain per trade. I think it will happen in an hour or two.

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