Saturday, January 24, 2009

Trade Reflection

Its been 4 months since i started trading. After under going the forex course, i was pumped up and highly optimistic of getting myself rich quick. The first trade was a success, 3% portfolio growth in just under 30min. But i was brought down to earth quickly. The next 3 consecutive trades was losses. The trading grew tougher and i was hovering around my initial startup capital.

Going into month 2, i was getting impatient, placing more trades when the criteria is not right and was down 6%. That's when the revenge mood kicked in...and was getting reckless, my portfolio was down 25% at the lowest point in the mid Dec 08. Retook the course, traded with more purpose and discipline. And 1 month later i am back at square one.

With guidance from my coach, and a right trading mindset, discipline and psychology. I devised a trading game plan and my weekly goal, i've achieved +10% in my portfolio as at today.

More to come...

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