Friday, January 23, 2009

Week 1 - FX Goal Review

Hit my weekly goal. Yahooooo.
One trade that made it happen - GBPUSD.
Short the currency pair upon clearing 11 criteria.
Thanks to my coach for his strategy.

I've achieved 2 breakthrough in this week's trading. First is that i've achieved my 10% weekly growth and Second is my personal high in pips won, 565 pips.

In this week, I've made several trades but only 1 that made the big bucks. Others were more losses to winnings.
Lesson 1: Learn to be focus on few pairs that i am familiar with.
Lesson 2: Do not rush into trade, make sure it clear all criteria.
Lesson 3: Play defensive after your big win, cause you won't know if the big win gets into your head.

1 comment:

Money Magnet Babe said...

Congrats! I am also thinking of focusing on a few pairs...

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